Mit dem Windows Live ID Sign-In Assistant 6.5 für Windows 7 ist es möglich eine Windows Live ID an ein Windows 7 Benutzerkonto zu verknüpfen und so über die LiveID Bilder, Dokumente und Videos mit anderen teilen.

The Windows Live™ ID Sign-in Assistant 6.5 (Beta) installs the Windows Live ID online provider for Windows® 7. By making it possible to link a Windows Live ID to a Windows 7 user account, this online provider helps enable Windows 7 applications to deliver great features like sharing documents, pictures, music, and video.

Through the online provider, the Sign-in Assistant helps a Windows 7 application running on one computer identify and communicate with other computers that are associated with the same Windows Live ID. Just by linking your Windows Live ID to the user account on each Windows 7 computer you own, you enable those computers to identify each other and work together more easily than has been possible in the past. Applications can take advantage of this capability to support scenarios as in the following example:

On his homegroup, Bob wants to share certain documents with his wife but not with his kids. Simply by specifying his wife’s Windows Live ID user name, Bob can give his wife exclusive permission to access documents on his computer.

Download: Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant 6.5 (Beta) for Windows 7

Über den Author

 Windows LiveID Sign In Assistant 6.5 für Windows7 Stephan Walcher ist seit 2007 MVP für Window Live und betreibt den Windows Live Writer Blog. Weitere online Profile findest du unter Google+, Twitter und Facebook.


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